No News Is Good News

Particularly in our case, if I’m not blogging it means I’m spending time on other things to get us moving. We now officially have a board of directors (Yay!) This means we can do fun things like apply for grants and are now an official organization!

We have also purchased a set of Battle ropes ( which we are really excited to bring to our next class!

Stay warm with all this cold weather and snow!

Parkinsons Fitness

It Feels Like a Snow Day!

After waking up at 6 this morning to help shovel my parents out of the driveway I have decided today is a hot coco, warm shower, curl up with a book kind of day. Which really means it’s an update everyone on Parkinsons Fitness kind of day.

Other than snuggling under the covers today we are extending invitations to prospective board members and fine tuning our program. We have added agility ladder work and plan on doing more fun obstacle courses and games for next week.

Stay happy and healthy,


Where have we been?

Hi Everyone,

   We’ve been MIA from the internet for about a month but for a good reason. Julia has become a certified fitness instructor and has shown us some great new moves. Keith has gone to speak with PT classes about having Parkinson’s and has continued to come up with new great ideas for our future. Linda has been studying up for her certification and is getting potential board members in line. We also have some promising new classes that will be starting in January!